The Romanian Music Festival


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The Romanian Music Festival

The Romanian Music Festival in Iaşi has been, ever since the first edition organized in 1973, one of the most generous living tribunes of the autochthonous musical art in all its complexity. On the occasion of the 25th edition, in October, the “George Enescu” National University of Arts, with the financial support of the Iaşi City Hall, proposes to the public a series of events that highlight the rich Romanian musical heritage.
The atmosphere of the festival, the spirit of Romanian music will be felt in the various locations chosen by the organizers: Palace of Culture, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre, the “Eduard Caudella” Hall, “Anton Diaconu” Hall, Chamber Music Studio of the “George Enescu” National University of Arts .
The Romanian Music Festival was and is an important way of getting to know established music, as well as a forum for the affirmation of the new generation of composers and performers.

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